I know what you're thinking because I am too! FIVE whole months already!! It seems like a lifetime ago that I was trapped in that tiny wire cage wondering when the next bad thing was going to happen to me. I'm so grateful to be free.
So what's the good news? Well foster dad says that "the light" is back in my eyes. My "inner iggy" has been awakening. I'm more and more an iggy everyday. I sure like to run with the pack, play with my foster brothers, eat, and sleep in the sun. What more could an iggy want? When I go to my forever home (maybe you whose reading this right now) it will have to have other dogs around. I probably won't be an only dog. I love the company of dogs and I'm comfortable with lots of them around. I've been curious where my foster siblings go in the morning after they go out and I found out that they go sleep with mom - under the covers. So yesterday morning I went upstairs by myself and jumped up on the bad to lay with the family. Actually I ended up just getting Sid and Dinky up and we played around on the bed - barking and having fun. I'm very active and playful in the morning.
My fears are becoming less and less it seems everyday. I don't run so much when the people come by. You can walk by me and I won't run. I like to be in the same room that you are. I don't get freaked out when new people come over. You can pet my head and my chin when I'm laying on the couch. I like to come up to you and rub noses. I sleep with my head covered and I don't look at you all the time or open my eyes everytime you move. I clearly trust you more.
To mom and dad's frustration I still won't take a treat from their hand. They work on it everyday though. I need to learn to go down the stairs so I can be completely independent.
I'm going for my spay in five days :(
Thanks for checking in on me and be sure to give your pets a big kiss tonight.