Happy new years everybody!! Not much has happened since christmas. Mom and dad try to keep my life structured so that I can feel comfortable with a routine. I like to lay in the T.V. room where everyone else goes now. Before I would pretty much stay by myself and either sleep in my ex-pen or on the pillow by the radiator. Mom and dad would pick me up and put me on the pillow in the T.V. room (or whatever room they're in) as I wouldn't go there on my own. Now the first thing I do when I come in from outside or come downstairs is to run to the big pillow. I'm starting to enjoy the company of everyone else. I'm hypervigilant though and I always lay so I can keep my eyes on the humans. Trust is a big issue with dogs that have lived likeI did. Mom and dad are careful to approach me from the front and are always talking to me when they pick me up. I still will not take treats from their hands - even (and I know you'll find this hard to believe) hotdogs!
Mom has been doing a little more research on puppy mill dogs and she's learned that I may be harder to rehabilitate because my spirit clearly has been broken. If I was aggressive towards people or a "fear biter" I'd be easier to work with. But with me, It's like the light has gone out inside my soul. People have treated me so bad for so long that it seems impossible that I could ever be just a regular iggy. Mom and dad are confident though, that there's an iggy inside me that just needs a little time and nuturing to come out.
The pic is my foster brother Sidney and my foster sister Lucy. Lucy is another story too. Mom and dad adopted her 8 years ago. Lucy spent the first years of her life as a brood bitch who was confined to a 55 gallon drum without ever being let out. She had to stand and lie in her own excrement for who knows how long. Once she was rescued she was found to have two bad knees (luxated patellas) and a seizure disorder. She had one repaired surgically and the other only locks some of the time. She came into rescue with her last litter of 3 or 4 in 2000 and all of those puppys are dead, except one, from seizures. Lucy's seizures are controlled with diet and now she only has one a few times a year. Mom and dad call her the "Doggie Lama" because she's so at peace with everything. She's let her past go and now she's happy and contented like I hope to be someday.
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