Thursday, December 11, 2008

Clean and shiny chompers!

Hi everbody!
Yesterday was my first dental and I didn't feel much like blogging when I got home. Foster mom took me and my foster sister, Maxie, to the Animal Medical Center in the morning. Dr. Mead did my dental and said that I had ALOT of tartar on my teeth. But what did she expect? I've never had my teeth cleaned. I also had one front tooth removed. Foster mom says that's pretty good considering she's brought other rescue dogs to the vet and one had to have 14 teeth removed. YIKES!!!! I have to take antibiotics for another week because my teeth were so bad. Mom is going to try brushing my teeth next week. We'll see how I like that. I got home from the vet, ate, and hung out in front of the radiator. I seem to have taken a small step back though. Up until yesterday I was letting the people come up to me without me running away. I would let them lay by me on the pillow. Today, though, I don't want much to do with them. I tremble when I'm picked up and I run away when they approach. Except when it's eating time. Then I'm hanging around the kitchen with the other dogs. I had a heartworm check at the vet's (negative) and I was given my distemper and rabies shots.

My poor foster sister, Maxie, had to have one of her large upper and lower canines removed from one side. She had to have stitiches to close the gapping holes. She's on antibiotics too. Today she acts like nothing happened as she's running around and yapping like she always does.

I found out a little more info on the puppy mill I was at. Wendy told foster dad that they shoot dogs that they don't want anymore or defective puppys. I'm so lucky that somehow I got out without being shot. How can people be so wildly opposite? How can there be people in the world that confine dogs to wire pens, starve them, deprive them of medical care, breed them over and over, and then shoot them? And then there are people that selflessly give of their time and love to care for these same dogs? I don't think I'll ever understand people.

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